Here I am, but here isn't good enough. So I've decided that it's time to do more. As Cyber Monday wraps, an event I have been looking forward to entirely too much, and tidying the house before bed, I'm listening to Brian Williams in the background chronicling out of work Americans and their struggle to make it until 12am on the first of the month so they can cash in food stamps. I have been blessed beyond belief, financially and otherwise, and I often feel like I should have more to show for myself. There are so many things I want to do in my life, and to achieve them I am going to have to do more, whatever that means, because I am not getting there fast enough in my current space. So, in the face of Brian Williams's provocative journalism, yesterday's church sermon challenging me to "cross over" and do things in my life that promote peace of mind, and the constant reminder every time my 4 month old smiles that it is up to me to expose him to the most wonderful things life has to offer, it is time to do more. My first step is to do more, get more, have more with less - less money, less time, less effort. And my journey begins...